“Those who stand for nothing, fall for everything”

Our Core Values

1. Make a Friend, not a sale. We value our customers more than our sales, we love to make friends and help our community in any way we can.

2. Do it right the first time. We don’t take short cuts or cut corners.

3. Build real, long lasting, positive relationships. We value both our employees and our customers being exceptionally friendly, pleasant, and personable.

4. How you do one thing, is how you do everything. We do every task with pride - no matter how small the task is, No matter how insignificant: we do it right the first time.

5. Lead by example. We strive to be the version of ourselves that we want our families to see, the public to see. We encompass the habits of successful & happy people.

6. Take Personal Responsibility. We always accept full responsibility for our actions and performance, and own that issue or task to see it through to its completion.

7. Be disciplined. We show up on time, we stay self-motivated, and on-task to get work done. We understand that for all of us to succeed, we must be disciplined in working quickly, efficiently, and harmoniously with ourselves, our customers, and our natural world.

8. Take initiative & go the extra mile. We do not wait to be told what to do. When we see something that needs to be done, we do it without being asked. We strive to help in ANY way we can - whether its related to flowers or not.

9. Be enthusiastic. We strive to be enthusiastic when we meet people, when we complete tasks (no matter how easy or difficult), and regardless of conditions outside of our control.

10. Be selfless. We always give more than we get. We put others and the company before individual accolades, and make decisions based on what’s best for the people we serve and what’s best for the company.

These Core Values were written by Trademarks Flower Farm owner, Jenny Marks. These are the core values that drive every personal and business decision we make, and although we are not perfect, perfection is what we strive for.